星期日, 7 7 月, 2024
HomeInvestmentThe End of an Era: Company's DVD-by-Mail Business Discontinued After 25 Years

The End of an Era: Company’s DVD-by-Mail Business Discontinued After 25 Years

– The company’s DVD-by-mail business is coming to an end after a staggering 25 years.
– This business, which revolutionized the way we rented movies, will be discontinued at the end of September.
– Streaming services have become the dominant force in the entertainment industry, rendering DVD-by-mail obsolete.
– The company will shift its focus solely to streaming, acknowledging the changing needs and preferences of consumers.

# Hot take:
It’s the end of an era as the company’s DVD-by-mail business bids farewell. After 25 years of allowing us to enjoy our favorite films through snail mail, it’s time to say goodbye. The rise of streaming services has overshadowed the once-beloved DVD rental method, leaving it in the dust. But hey, at least we can still stream our favorite movies and shows, right? Farewell DVDs, we’ll remember you fondly.

Original article: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/21/netflix-will-send-you-up-to-10-bonus-movies-as-dvd-service-winds-down.html

- 贊助商廣告 -

