星期三, 3 7 月, 2024
HomeScienceAI Model Accurately Estimates Age Using Chest Radiographs: Potential for Predicting Life...

AI Model Accurately Estimates Age Using Chest Radiographs: Potential for Predicting Life Expectancy and Disease Severity

AI Model Uses Chest Radiographs to Estimate Patient Age

Key Points:

– Scientists have successfully developed an AI model that can accurately estimate a patient’s age using chest radiographs.
– The model was trained using chest radiographs of healthy individuals collected from various medical facilities.
– The researchers found a positive correlation between the differences in the AI-estimated age and the chronological age of patients.
– The study also revealed a relationship between the AI-estimated age differences and chronic diseases, including hypertension, hyperuricemia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
– This breakthrough may pave the way for the development of AI biomarkers that can predict life expectancy, estimate the severity of chronic diseases, and forecast surgery-related risks.

Hot take:

Who needs an actual birth certificate when you have an AI model that can accurately guess your age just by looking at your chest radiographs? This new development in the field of AI and healthcare is not only fascinating but also holds immense potential. Aside from being a handy tool to determine someone’s age, it could also help us estimate the severity of chronic diseases and predict life expectancy. So, next time someone asks you how old you are, just show them your chest X-ray – your secret is safe with the AI!

Original article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/08/230817164024.htm

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