星期六, 29 6 月, 2024
HomeHealthQuestionable Efficacy: A Closer Look at the Long-Term Impact of Gastric Bypass...

Questionable Efficacy: A Closer Look at the Long-Term Impact of Gastric Bypass Surgery on Metabolic Changes

Key Points:

– A new study suggests that the efficacy of bariatric operations involving gastric bypass may be questionable.
– The study found that the most significant metabolic changes occurred immediately after surgery.
– However, just one year post-operation, the concentration of metabolites and fats had returned to almost the same levels as before the procedure.

A Questionable Efficacy:

A recent study has raised doubts about the effectiveness of bariatric operations that involve gastric bypass. The research indicates that while these surgeries may lead to significant metabolic changes initially, the long-term impact may not be as promising as previously thought.

An Immediate Impact:

The study reveals that the most significant metabolic changes occur directly after the surgery. This is an encouraging finding, as it suggests that there is a notable impact on the body’s metabolism right after the operation.

Short-Term Success:

However, the study also found that just one year after the gastric bypass surgery, the concentration of metabolites and fats in the body had returned to almost the same levels as before the procedure. This raises concerns about the long-term effectiveness of this type of bariatric operation in maintaining lasting metabolic changes.

Hot take:

While gastric bypass surgery may have an immediate impact on metabolic changes, the study’s findings suggest that the long-term benefits may not be as significant as initially believed. It highlights the importance of considering other factors, such as lifestyle changes and ongoing support, in achieving sustainable weight loss and metabolic improvements.

Original article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/08/230817163951.htm

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